That moment when you decided you no longer wanted the bar of soap and exchanged it with a new one, that was your point of letting go. I was interested in the aesthetics of those points and what they potentially revealed of their owners, so I collected a bunch of people's points of letting go.
But sometimes you let go, but you didn't really let go. You held on longer to an image memory of that point. So I casted several of those points and mixed the resin replica points with the real points. The fragrances of the real were shared, and installed together, it became difficult to immediately distinguish between the real and the fake points of letting go.
Christine Kettaneh, Points of letting go, 2018, soap leftovers and resin replicas
Christine Kettaneh, How do you unveil life?, 2min 8sec, 2016
After close inspection, I realized I washed my hands exactly the same way everytime, as if in a rehearsed choreographed ritual; the difference between one time and the other was minimal and depended mainly on the size of the soap.
Christine Kettaneh, Points of letting go, 2018, Luminaria 03, art interventions in the markets of Usera, Madrid
Christine Kettaneh, Points of letting go, 2018, Luminaria 03, art interventions in the markets of Usera, Madrid